Thursday, August 17, 2017

Water Cycle Informtion Repot

The Water Cycle

Have you ever heard about water cycle? The water cycle is something that never stops and creates rain. It makes rain by using evaporation, condensation, transpiration, and precipitation.

First, Evaporation happens. The sun heats up the sea or lake and the water turns into water vapor. It also happens to plants when the water gets heated up and it goes up from the leaves. That is called Transpiration.

Then, the water vapor goes up and turns into clouds and clouds are made up of tiny bits of water. Water vapor spends ten days floating in the air. This process is called condensation.

Precipitation is the final step when it falls down as rain, hail, sleet, and snow. When it falls down it seeps into the ground and becomes groundwater and the rest of the water collects in the rivers and the sea. Rain droplets are not like a teardrop, they are shaped like a hamburger bun. Did you know, in some countries, there is acid rain where there is water and acid is mixed together?

In summary, the water cycle keeps on going and going forever. We will never have any more or less water but we can still pollute it.The water that we use is the same water that we use today.

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