The principles
On Wednesday some principles came from Auckland to see what we did with our Chromebooks and how we used them. The school was split into five groups and each group had a principal with them. My group had a principal called Chris and first, we showed him our pepeha. Then we showed the things we did on our Chromebooks.
Some of the things that we show him was our blogs, learning sites, team drive and other stuff. When we showed him all the things he showed us a video of him jumping off the Auckland sky tower. The video was cool and entertaining.
There were two groups in the kea class and three groups in the hohio class. My group was in the Kea class.
Kia Ora Rocco, I like how you said what you were doing and how many groups are there. I was also with someone from Manaiakalani. Next time in your title have capital letter for principles and Hohio has a o on the end.